Little Known Ways to Save Money for College

Nov 14, 2006 | College Finance

One of the phrases that parents dread the most is this: college money. As soon as their child is born, parents tend to think about the future and actually make plans for their kids.

They instinctively think of a profession that they want their children to have in the future: some want their kids to be the next Bill Gates, a big-company CEO or a world famous surgeon.

As a student, you have to do your part in saving up for your own college fund as early as you can, even if your family is well-off. Getting a college degree costs a lot and graduating would be more of an ccomplishment if you know that you have contributed your share in your education costs.

Before filling up those college application forms and constructing your essays, take a look at these ways on how you can save up for your college money:

1. Start early.

A college degree is very important. You may look at it f rom an emotional or a practical view, but in the end, you can still say that a college education reaps more benefits than being just out of high school.

Depending on whether you were sent you to a private or public school, your parents would more or less have an idea about the costs of your going to college.

As a student, you need to work with your parents in saving up early.

Use summer vacations as an opportunity to start saving up for your college fund. Allot a part of your Earnings as college money and make sure that you do not tap into it for any other purposes.

2. Be creative in tapping your resources.

Use special occasions like your birthday or Christmas to add funds for your college tuition. On your birthday, ask a close relative to contribute to your college money instead of giving you other gift items.

If you cannot do this yourself, your mom or dad should be more than happy to ask your relatives, Grandparents, aunts and uncles, to consider as a Christmas or birthday gift a contribution for your college funds.

Do for yourself the household chores that your mom or a neighbor would usually pay for, like mowing the lawn, cleaning the attic or garage or doing painting jobs. Save a part of this money for your college tuition.

You can even use a coin bank to save up. Every cent would help, just make sure to resist the temptation of breaking your piggy bank before you need to.

Part of your monthly allowance from your parents is another resource that you can tap into.

3. Work with your parents in planning for your college money.

In the end, majority of your college money will come from your parents. Show them that you are responsible enough to take part in the decisions regarding your education.

Ask them to explain to you the plan that they have as well as investments that they made for your college money. After all, it is your education, and your future, that they are investing for.

About the author:

Author: Dave Poon
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Education and Careers. For more information regarding  Money For College please drop by at

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